Thursday, October 15, 2009

Crank Up The Soft Rock For This "Brown Eyed Girl"

So here's a confession that some people would call a guilty pleasure, but I quite honestly don't feel an ounce of shame. I LOVE soft rock/adult contemporary music. Ya know, the parents' station, but not exactly the oldies station. Oh how XM's The Blend treats me well. I don't just love the cool stuff like, Billy Joel, Elton John, The Eagles, who are all personal faves of mine. (Don't even get me started with Don Henley's solo stuff! It's like a Hersey bar for my ears!) I love the uber cheesy stuff too. When Richard Marx comes on, I legit say aloud, "Ohhh heck yes Richard Marx!" Come on, you know you love some Foreigner, Chicago, Rod Stewart. There's just no way you change the channel when you hear "Maggie May." If it says, "Playing all the hits from the 70s through today," I'm probably staying tuned. (Unless they play that awful, overrated LeAnn Womack song "I Hope You Dance" which belongs where it came from, country radio.)

I'm not some 50 year-old cubicle worker, so no, I don't listen to this around the clock. It has its designated times. Long night time drives, early mornings when Top 40 is too peppy, and rainy days are all appropriate.

VH1 has compiled their list of the 40 Most Softsational Soft-Rock Songs. In my opinion, some are "heck yeahs!" and some are snoozers. Check it out if you miss the days of riding around in the backseat of your dad's car.

If this scene from my favorite summer movie of 2009 "500 Days of Summer" doesn't put a smile on your face with Hall &Oates classic "You Make My Dreams Come True," you, my friend, should make an appointment with the Wizard of Oz. You need to get yourself a heart.

Richard Marx-One More Try - Click this! Click this! Click this! If you don't I'm blocking you from my blog. I know you'd shrivel up and die without it, so click. I discovered this song about 4 months ago and I don't know how I lived before this godsend. This isn't "Right Here Waiting"-style Richard Marx. I'm just going to go out there and confess, if I were born a decade earlier, Richy would be up there with Jordan Knight on my crushes of the '80s list.

xoxo *heart* *heart* :) Cosmo Woods

1 comment:

  1. i refuse to click the richard marx button. but i still adore thee
