Thursday, October 29, 2009

And I'm Feeeeellling Good *Cue Jazz Band*

-As if Nichols Sparks isn't going to torture me enough by forcing me to stare at Channing Tautm's devastatingly stunning, married face for two hours in one of his epic romances, I predict a Jack Dawson-demise. Cue the ugly, gasping-for-air cry. Nevertheless, the potential perfection of this movie makes me feel like I'm going to chemically combust. Let's start the countdown to the release date: 91 days P.S. Nicholas Sparks is Walt Disney's partner-in-crime in creating unrealistic male characters.

-Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" will rule the world, even if the less-edited version is far better than the iTunes/official release. Just want to say, I've been listening to this song for a month now. Just like I was listening to "Poker Face" long before you (aka the general public) caught on to "Just Dance." And I saw Miss Gaga in concert even before you learned she's not a fan of pants. Ohhh Cosmo just got defensive! P.S. Early adapters are coolie. *Kisses*
Enjoy the "dirty" version you won't be hearing on the radio in constant rotation.

-Two things I dare you to do today for happiness!

1) Sing (or shriek)/perform wide-mouthed, Mick-Jagger- style in the car at a red light and hope the person next to you sees. People get some guilty pleasure when they think they've caught you.

2) Put on an upbeat Michael Buble' song. I know your iTunes library is stocked with Crooner Babe 'cause you're a classy chica. Turn the volume all the way to the right. That means crank it bay bay! Then dance around the house. You'll feel straight out of "The Notebook"...sans Noah.

xoxo *heart* *heart* :)
Cosmo Woods


  1. AHH I so want to see that movie now. That'll probably be the movie I go see on Valentine's Day like how I went and saw "Maybe he's just no that into you" last year and I'll think where are boys like this is real life?

    And as for your dares of the day, I totally always jam in my car on the way to school! Today I was jammin hardcore to Rascal Flatts and I don't care who saw me.

    and Michael Buble "Home" was totally playing in Market One when I was standing in line for lunch today!

  2. I need to confess that I've watched that preview two more times since I first watched it. I had to show my roomies what we are going to see in February.

  3. I think Nicholas Sparks is on a mission to make the entire female population melancholy and/or utterly depressed...

  4. Babienugs, your comment has always been my conclusion to Nicholas Sparks. The thing is, he is making bajillions amounts of money making women depressed everywhere. It just doesn't seem right!

    I ask God everyday for a singing voice like Michael Buble's...sigh.

    As far as "Bad Romance" goes, I think the version you hear first is the one you tend to like. I like aspects of the first version, such as the "Oh-oh-OH-oh-oh-OHs" during the chorus, and the looseness in the ways she sings is more natural. But overall, the album version is more complete and put together well. The song is odd in itself, but since it's still poppy enough for the masses, it's genius.
