Tuesday, September 22, 2009

True Life: I Play Dress-Up Too Much

You'd never know, but I celebrate Halloween at least once or twice a week. Like last week, I was Bella Swan. Don't make fun of me!! I got this actual Bella jacket from Nordstrom. It's the same one she wears in Twilight. The sad part of all of this is not only did I wear a Bella outfit and light Bella make-up, I kinda took on her demeanor for the first part of the day. I walked to my class pretending I was walking into Forks High School, with my head modestly hung, looking down at my feet. Last winter, I thought maybe I'd come back to school, walk in to a classroom, sit in front of a computer, and check up on my teeny bopper sites. Then some shimmery, freezing, stunning vampire boy would sit down and turn to me and say "Hello. I'm Edward Cullen." It didn't happen.

Anyway, back to dress-up. I regularly pretend to be Taylor Swift. Ya know the get-up. I'll curl my hair, wear 20 bracelets on one wrist, wing out some heavy eye make-up, wear a sundress and some cowboy boots, and strap a guitar around my shoulder. I kid. I kid...I don't rock the guitar.

I'm currently wannabe-ing Megan Fox...you don't even want to know.
xoxo *heart* *heart* :) Cosmo Woods

1 comment:

  1. Um, I want to be you. I can't pull off being Taylor Swift OR Bella Swan.

    Oh, and me as Megan Fox? I wish.

