Monday, September 28, 2009

MMMM Cook-ie

I can't talk about American Idol with you. I just can't. Ever feel so passionate about something it's hard to describe your feelings to someone who doesn't feel the same passion? So hard, it's frustrating and pointless? That's Idol with me. So accept it. I guess I must really be in love with the show because it's a feeling that can't be articulated in words. Sad, yes. True, oh so true.
That being said, I don't even know why I'm going to share my weekend activities with you. I saw David Cook in concert. For those who have the misfortune of not having Idol or the radio in their lives, David won Season 7.
David has a half smile like Edward Cullen. In his presence, you feel unworthy and let's be honest, you are unworthy (k, I feel unworthy. I can't exactly judge you.) David is a crier. A man crying CAN be attractive in certain circumstances and he succeeds. David succeeds in life. David can pull off a plaid shirt with an A+ and a pound of necklaces. David loves crossword puzzles and children. David has no idea how hot he is. David wins epically when it comes to between song banter. (Don't you hate it when you go to a concert and the artist doesn't talk to the audience? I think it's very important in creating a connection. When there's no banter, it's impersonal.) David has the male version of Angelina lips....And on that note I will conclude. Now see for yourself.

Watch carefully at 1:33. Slight smile and wave. You'll dream beautiful dreams girls. (If there's a straight male looking at this blog, I'm wondering while you're still here two paragraphs in.)

Warning: May be hazardous to health. Side effects may include loss of breath, heart racing, and excessive day dreaming.

Speaking in such detail about my favorite American Idol was difficult, so you better have enjoyed it.
xoxo *heart* *heart* :) Cosmo Woods

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