Friday, September 18, 2009

Prince Charming Does Exist! But He's Unavailable...Or Dead

My Crush Record:
-Popular guys I couldn't get in high school
-Guys with girlfriends
-My friends' boyfriends
-Gay guys: Adam Lambert. Come on. Completely legit crush. Lance Bass. I was a sucker for spiky blondes as an 11-year old. Bet you were too. Clay Aiken. Don't judge, America was a Claynation of Claymates...Ok, judge freely.)
-Teachers...yeah, let's not venture there. As a warning to high schools, hiring a 24-year-old Justin Timberlake-esque teacher with a killer sense of humor will serve as a distraction to teen girls.
-Edward Cullen. He's a vampire. He's fiction. He's perfect.
-Joe Jonas. Yes, he has a category of his own.
-Aladdin. A cartoon crush that has evidently followed me into adulthood (See picture of above listing)
-Married guys. Eli Manning and Taylor Hanson, that's directed toward you.

You see a pattern?! I'm apparently freaking enamored with unattainable men. Can't have them? LOVE THEM! My mom thinks I should call a shrinky-poo. Well, just when I think I can't find another category of unattainability, I find one... Dead Guys...Married Dead Guys.

This man is no ordinary dead guy either. He was the most unattainable and desired man in the world when he was still living. The actual Prince Charming. Walt Disney couldn't have even sketched him up. You know who I'm talking about. The beautiful Prince of Camelot John F. Kennedy Jr...

K, ladies, let's let out a big sigh. Have a moment of silence...I was gonna keep writing, but suddenly I'm at a loss for words looking at People's 1988 "Sexiest Man Alive" cover stuck to my wall.

R.I.P. JFK Jr. Can we have a date in heaven? You can pick me up at the pearly gates. ;)
xoxo *heart* *heart* :) Cosmo Woods

1 comment:

  1. hahah "Joe Jonas. Yes, he has a category of his own."

    Amen, sister. And as for gorgeous teachers, I've been there and done that. I cried when he got married...sighh.

