Monday, December 7, 2009

Bothered! Bothered! Bothered!

In honor of Jimmy Fallon's brilliant "Robert is Bothered" series, this is "Cosmo is Bothered."

-It bothers me when your crush subconsciously insists that he should date every girl who looks and acts like you, but is not you.

-The morning bothers me. To quote SIR David Cook, "The morning might not be the devil, but it sure is a low level apprentice."

-Justin Beiber, he bothers me...I know he's continuing the tradition: Breaking into teen land with a new, signature hairstyle. That *Nsync bleach look was cool when I was in 6th grade and let me tell you, it was a straight path to my heart. To all the girls who are just learning to shave, I know that thump thump you feel when you see Beiber's hair tossled flat against his forehead. It's intense. It hasn't been long since I've felt that way about a boy's hair. Have you seen Joe Jonas's new cut? Hot Dayum! Anyway, his manner of forwarding pop star hair isn't what bothers me. It's the fact this kid thinks he can stroll out of the womb and be Jesse McCartney 2.0. Don't mess with the Jess. JMac is the country's most underrated triple threat. (See: My Baby and "Keith" ) In addition, with a crow's feet adorned smile he can make you feel like "the hottest girl in the world today"...even if he's loving up on another girl. So, now Bieber is going to have to suffer the consequences, no iTunes purchases from Cosmo. I know you're gonna miss that dime of royalty. In other news, see ya boy at the Z100 Jingle Ball on Friday! Woot Woot!

-It bothers me when People Mag recycles their Sexiest Man Alive. Much love to Depp, Pitt, and Clooney, but let's get some fresh meat on the cover. The well-seasoned filet is getting Zzzzzzzz.

-Getting ready for bed bothers me. It's almost an oxymoron. Why do I need a fresh face and minty breath for my pillow? Is this some hot date? Well, actually I do sleep with an Orlando Bloom pillow.

P.S. Beiber, nice job stealing Joey McIntyre's pre-pubescent voice.
xoxo *heart* *heart* :) Cosmo Woods

1 comment:

  1. LOVE "Robert is Bothered!" Jimmy Fallon is great at what he does.

    This crush sounds like an r-tard of sorts...but I could def see why this is bothersome. I wish you all the luck.

    As far as the morning IS the devil! I went to work this morning and it felt especially awful 'cause I'm done with my finals and it seemed like a punishment. I was so out of it and I kept getting all these awkwards calls from persistant parents. Who makes awkward calls at 10 o'clock in the morning? I personally am a little more considerate.

    Bieber's first single is SO darn catchy. But other than that, I have no further comment.

    I feel like People (as well as many other things in life) like to stick with "safe" and "popular". I agree with you completely though, we all know how hot Depp & Clooney are, let's see something new! There are tons of startving actor hotties needing some attention.

    And finally, I have two zits on my face and a cold sore. A COLD SORE. So gross. It's really the little things in life you shouldn't get down about like stress zits and early mornings...but they do exist and decide to pop up when you least want them to.
